Materials and Presentations 2023
This year's Summer School is organized in two weeks too. The First week's official language is Farsi and The second week's English.
The title of lectures and presentation slides as well as the screen recorders of each session for the first week can be found here and for the second week are as follows:
Day 1 (July 8th 2023):
1. Ali Nassiri Aghdam: An Introduction to the Summer School 2022; Find a video of his lecture here.
2. Marco Greggi: Understanding Taxation; Find a video of his lecture here.
Here is a supporting document entitled "Tax Dispute and Litigation Review", provided by Prof. Marco Greggi.
Day 2 (July 9th 2023)
3. Anna Miotto: Personal Income Tax and Corporate Income Tax in Italy; Find a video of her lecture here.